Thursday, December 13, 2012

SCS8C21-Novermber 2012

SCS8C21                                                                                                                 November 2012
(For those who joined in July 2008 and after)
Time : Three hours                                                                                       Maximum : 75 marks
SECTION A – (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer:
11.       The __________ is an alpha numeric code widely used for transforming data into and out of a computer.
(a)    Octal              (b) Hexadecimal               (c) ASCII               (d) Binary         Ans.: (c)
22.       A __________ is a group of four 1’s that are horizontally or vertically adjacent.
(a)    Pair                                (b) Octal               (c) Quad               (d) Redundant       Ans.: (c)
33.       ___________ is a universal logic circuit because it can generate any truth table.
(a)    BCD decorder            (b) Multiplexer (c) Decoder        (d) Encoder           Ans.: (a)
44.       __________ gates are ideal for checking the parity of a binary number.
(a)    NOR               (b) NAND            (c) OR    (d) EX-OR                               Ans.: (d)              
55.       A group of flip-flops sensitive to pulse transition is called as
(a)    Register       (b) Counter        (c) Multiplexer  (d) Interrupt                     Ans.: (b)
66.       The D flip-flop is a modification of
(a) RS flip-flop   (b) RS clocked flip-flop   (c) JK flip-flop    (d) JK master slave flip-flop      Ans.: (c)
77.       The operations of a stack are stimulated by incrementing or decrementing the
(a)    Stack limit register   (b) Stack point register  (c) Random access memory       
(d) All the above                                                                                Ans.: (b)
88.       _________ address instruction are the most common in commercial computers.
(a)    Two               (b) Three             (c) Zero                                (d) One         Ans.: (c)
99.       The ______________ method of asynchronous data transfer employs a single control line to time.
(a)    Hand shaking             (b) Strobe control            (c) FIFO buffer  (d) DMA     Ans.: (d)
110.   Devices that provide backup storage with CPU is called
(a)    Main memory           (b) Auxiliary memory     (c) Memory hierarchy    
(d) Associative memory                                                                    Ans..: (b)

SECTION B – (5 x 7 = 35 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)
111.   (a) Convert Grey number 1011 to bits BCD equivalent.
(b)   State and prove De Morgan’s theorem.
112.   (a) Explain BCD to decimal decoder.
(b)   Explain binary subtraction using 2’s compliment.
113.   (a) Describe the working of a ring counter.
(b)Explain D-flip-flop with diagram.
114.   (a) Explain the indirect cycle of the computer cycle control.
(b)   Discuss the various POP operations in stack.
115.   (a) Explain the various commands received by an interface.
                (b)Describe the associative mapping in Cache memory.
SECTION C – (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
116.   Convert (BEEF)16 into binary, Octal and decimal numbers.
117.   Explain the function of a multiplexer.
118.   Explain a serial-in-control-out shift register.
119.   Explain the need and use of DI and EI instructions.
220.   With a block diagram, explain the parallel peripheral interface.