Thursday, December 13, 2012

SCA8C11-November 2012

SCA8C11                                                                                                   November 2012
(For those who joined in July 2008 and after)
Time : Three hours                                                                                   Maximum : 75 marks
SECTION A – (10 x 1 = 10 marks)
Answer ALL questions.
Choose the correct answer:
11.       __________ operators are used to compare two values.
(a)    Arithmetic   (b) Relational     (c) Ternary          (d) Assignment   Ans.: (b)
22.       ++ is ______________ operator.
(a)    Arithmetic   (b) Relational     (c) Logical            (d) Unary         Ans.: (d)
33.       ___________ is a definite repetition loop where the programmer knows the time of execution.
(a)    While            (b) If      (c) For   (d) Nested if                            Ans.: (a)
44.       __________ function is used to find the length of the string.
(a)    Strln()           (b) Str()                                (c) Strlen()          (d) Strlength() Ans.: (c)              
55.       The function which calls another function is termed as ____________.
(a)    Called function          (b) Calling function          (c) Function prototype  (d) Function model 
Ans.: (a)
66.       _____________ is a collection of elements of different data types.
(a)    Array             (b) Pointer          (c) Structure       (d) Function                     Ans.: (c)
77.       What are the two operators associated with pointer?
(a)    ! and *          (b) * and @        (c) & and *          (d) & and !      Ans.: (c)
88.       fopen() function conations ___________ parameters.
(a)    2                      (b) 3                       (c) 4                       (d) 5                     Ans.: (a)
99.       ____________ is a bit wise or operator.
(a)    &                     (b) |                       (c) ^                       (d) ~              Ans.: (d)
110.   ___________ function is used to set the graphics mode
(a)    Scanf()          (b) Setgraphics()              (c) Initgraph()    (d) Initgm()          Ans..: (b)

SECTION B – (5 x 7 = 35 marks)
Answer ALL questions, choosing either (a) or (b)
111. (a) Write short notes on :                                                                                             (4 + 3)
(i)                  History of C.
(ii)                Defining symbolic constants.
(b)   Explain the general syntax of “Switch” statement with an example.
112.   (a) Write a C program to perform addition of two given matrices.
(b)   Explain any THREE string Handling functions with examples.
113.   (a) Discuss about Nesting of functions with suitable example.
(b)Explain arrays within structures with example.
114.   (a) Explain Pointer Expressions with examples.
(b)   Write a C program to illustrate the use of command line arguments.
115.   (a) Explain about Keyboard Basics.
                (b)Explain operations on Bits with examples.
SECTION C – (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
Answer any THREE questions.
116.   Explain the use of ?: operator with an example C program.
117.   Describe the use of multidimensional arrays in C with examples.
118.   Compare structures with Unions.
119.   Explain the general syntax of fopen() and fclose() functions with suitable illustrations.
220.   Write a C program to draw a pie chart to show the sales details of 4 salesman as given in the table.
Salesman No.                    Sales (Rupees in Lakhs)
1                                                                     200
2                                                                     670
3                                                                     550
4                                                                     750